Just a quick note to let everybody know that the World Junior Cycling Championships just completed in Melbourne Australia were successfully run with the use of the Veloresults software. Being the first implementation of the system in Australia, it did take a little while to learn all the intricacies of the system, however the system
did show its worth in many ways. Particular features which we found to be great were: - its ability to print results as soon as the event is complete; - The advancements of the sprints and the reports showing the draws in a graphical form; - The commentator screen during the points race proved to be an absolute hit
with the commentators!
As always, new users always bring different ideas on how things can be improved even further. Excuse me in advance if any of the following is already in the program. To further improve on what is already a great system, I think that a qualifying round should be introduced into the pursuit and sprint functions, which could
lead into the first round (denoted as quarter final in the program - I think this may need changing as well). If the system could re-order the sprint results so that it shows 1/2/3 in sequential order on the scoreboard, that would be great as well. A function for scratch races, which could rotate the starting list on the board during the race and enter the finishing order at the end for results, would also be appreciated, so that the names need not be enetered manually into the Daktronics typewriter. Hope this helps.
Many thanks to both the Fred and James Broder for getting the Veloresults system down under and I look forward to using it again at a local meet down here again in the not too distant future.
Originally posted 26 Aug 2002 by George Proimos george.proimos@spr.gases.boc.com
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