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BlinkyBox TM Optical Isolator/distributor

HI all, I've been able to track down old stock of a few components needed to finish another 40 Duo BlinkyBox Optical Isolator/Distributors for the coming year. We also have a few 6 channel and 12 channel frames left if you want to double the outputs of each card.

Synchronization Finish Lynx Camera with Mylaps Smart Decoder without internal GPS timing

What is the best way to synchronize the two systems without internal GPS timing? I didn't really get any further with the Finish Lynx instructions: MYLAPS_TS_QSG.pdf . [..] EtherLynx cameras without Internal GPS: To sync the MYLAPS decoder with your EtherLynx cameras when the camera is not synced with Internal GPS (option), set the LapTime|Options… Sync. Source = Internal and press trigger a Gunshot on the decoder while FinishLynx is running. [..] How does the synchronization work exactly?
