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IPICO now quite a Fire Sale

Up for sale is a ton of IPICO Equipment. We finally had a moment to inventory what we have... so here you go... But first we have 2000+ square DF BIBTAGS that have been cut (around the tag's edge) from existing custom bibs. In the past we would simply spray some 3M adhesive on the BBITAG and REapply it to a new bib and voila, you'd be off and running. As we no longer use IPICO, save some $$$ and buy what's on hand. Then have Amazon send you the spray adhesive for $11.54 a bottle. You can get...

BlinkyBox TM Optical Isolator/distributor

HI all, I've been able to track down old stock of a few components needed to finish another 40 Duo BlinkyBox Optical Isolator/Distributors for the coming year. We also have a few 6 channel and 12 channel frames left if you want to double the outputs of each card.

Synchronization Finish Lynx Camera with Mylaps Smart Decoder without internal GPS timing

What is the best way to synchronize the two systems without internal GPS timing? I didn't really get any further with the Finish Lynx instructions: MYLAPS_TS_QSG.pdf . [..] EtherLynx cameras without Internal GPS: To sync the MYLAPS decoder with your EtherLynx cameras when the camera is not synced with Internal GPS (option), set the LapTime|Options… Sync. Source = Internal and press trigger a Gunshot on the decoder while FinishLynx is running. [..] How does the synchronization work exactly?

Using the Seiko S149 timing stopwatch - 9-pin output to PC port to transfer timing data to PC.

Hello, I heard a while back from this Blog site, that individuals were interested in transferring their timing data from their Seiko S149 stopwatch to a PC. There was also a vendor or person or group making these cables - in batches of 10 ---- 9-pin type or RS232 cable to PC (USB or equivalent?). I am wondering and very interested if these cables exist and are still available, who makes them, an email address, etc. OR, if anyone would have the schematics of the S149 stopwatch so we can build...

SOLD / VENTA MyLaps Prochip Decoder

MyLaps ProChip decoders (2pcs.) for active transponders Decoder 2.800 € Second one 1.000€ Decoder location: Spain --------- MyLaps ProChip decoders (2 unidades) para chip´s activos 1er decoder 2.800 € 2º decoder 1.000€ Localización de los decoders: España


MyLaps ProChip decoders (2pcs.) for active sports with 260 active ProChips Decoder 2800 € Second one 1000€ ProChips 20€/pcs
