Anyone having strange unexplained issues with their TIMY connected to VOLA via USB only?
We have had several reports of problems occurring if components connected to the TIMY or the computer running VOLA have issues.
1) External monitor connected to laptop via USB has issues. Remove and replace USB cable accidentally by moving monitor and then the TIMY stops printing and memorizing splits.
2) TIMY connected to VOLA does not receive sync pulse. Shut VOLA down. Disconnect TIMY USB connection. Timer gets pulses again. Plug in after sync +1 and it stops receiving pulse for wand check. Then mysteriously starts working half way through forerunners. TIMY was fortunately on backup PC.
3) Photocells go out of alignment causing multiple false finishes. TIMY starts missing starts and VOLA greys out the missed passage options
In all of the situations that have occurred a S4 was present and worked fine connected via serial. All S4 connections are uni directional as well.
The suspicion is that there is an issue with the USB compatibility with VOLA.
We believe that all of these incidents were with the TIMY plugged direct into a native USB port and not a hub.
Somehow VOLA is behaving bidirectionally as well further exacerbating the problem.
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