Is it possible to replace the electrosensitive printer of a TDC 8000 with an RS232 printer of normal thermal paper?
Thank you
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You can use an external thermal printer set to 9600 baud to print the times except for the initial sync time. Use a 5 pin RS232 connection to the TDC .
Pin 4 jumper to 5
Pin 1 signal to Pin 3 DB 9 Male into Seiko DPU414
Pin 2 Ground ( bottom center) to Pin 5 ground DB 9 male
Make sure Seiko is set to auto line feed and 9600 baud
Also managed it.
Printer is: Fenix EPC1800/5-02 TMSports configuration (to be ordered directly via
The printer needs relatively high electrical current in the range of 5A at a voltage of 5V for printing.
I soldered this Buck-Converter (AZDelivery XL4016E1 DC-DC Step Down Buck Converter) directly after the main fuse and trimmed it to 5,3V at the output.
To get the RS232 signal, I soldered GND and RX to the jack which I normaly don't use for the Laptop. Using the RS232 as signal means, that the you'll get slightliy differnt print lines. All necessary lines to log the inputs will be printed. The lines when you change a race or the heat will not be printet. Also all the lines when starting the TDC8000 will not be printed.
BR, Matthias