Had an incident in yesterdays meet, where on a 200m, the gun didn't fire loud enough to trigger and so we didn't have a triggered event. Being that it was on the otherside of the field and it was windy, we didn't here it either. By the time we noticed, the runners were coming close to finish. We captured them all - but without a manual start as it was too late.
Anyways, fortunately we had a coach that had a stopwatch time for one of the athletes. Now not knowing another way around this, I set the event start to that athlete, and then all the other athletes times were delta from her. Using a calculator, I took her stopwatch time and added the delta to get each athletes actual time.
But I would think there has to be a better way in FinishLynx, where I should be able to set an event starttime based on a Image time + a delta. The only thing I found close for changing/setting the starttime of an event is in "Menu/Event/Image Start" which lets you set the zero time, but no where to set a non-zero time.
Has anyone have some knowledge that you can share?
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