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Well, it was an interesting weekend of phone calls not only from "The Fred" but others as well. Glad PST got their bug fixed.

Here are two others that I had to troubleshoot this weekend on the road in a raging blizzard.

Error message from FIS saying that the file could not be scored because the only characters allowed could be A-Z with a dot. This was primarily happening when a race secretary was trying to attach her saved zip file using a web based email server (ie, Yahoo or Google) and not through an email program (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.). Since the name of the file is USA.1234, the web based server was attaching HTML code around the "." so that it looked right on-line. However, the html was attaching itself to the FIS file and thus could not be read by the parser.

Just a reminder, your email program must be open if you use the "Send Ski Data" button and select email as the option for submitting results instead of attaching it through the email program of your choice. AOL still won't play nice with any email program. (Big brother??)

Second issue that has personally happened once before, but it reared its ugly head again this weekend too. With Vista, you cannot email nor specify where to copy unless you give Split Second administrative privileges. Easy fix, right click, select properties, and check "run as an administrator." Restart SST and voila, all is well. You will need to do this with each new version of Split Second as the install program apparently generates a 'new' icon - even though it looks the same, the properties are not the same.
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