The software will automatically sort reports into the order you need for the report.
If you ever need to get around this feature you can turn Auto sort off. Go to "Edit|Options" and you'll see a checkbox. If this is off it will ask you if you want to sort whenever it would sort automatically. This way you can create any report in any order you want. Be careful though, this may result in an incorrect report (not based on the NGB/FIS rules) or a very odd looking report.
Autoload in Timing:
What is meant by this is the order that competitors will 'automatically' be listed on the timing screen. So, when the first competitor starts, who is expected to start next. It's important to remember that when you start timing it will automatically load the next competitor based on the current order of competitors on the timing screen. If you create a 2nd run start right before timing the 2nd run, you'll probably have everyone in the expected order and almost never need to touch the computer.