This is what Vola sent us:
Racetime 2 has 2 configuration modes. Online, offline.
Program choise program PC ONLINE mode in case you want data trasmittion online.
Racetime 2 setting – turn on, delete all datas. Choose in menu 3 A-PC ONLINE MODE / synchronization in case TOD timing / then MENU 1 timing/ all times goes online.
Connect Racetime 2 to pc, m Sport Pro, timing device selection racetime 2, choose right comport, timeline setting - start 1 finish 3, look at attachment.
Then go to timing runs and datas goes online and you can download them by pressing F1 send at racetime 2 device.
In thi case racetime 2 is only timing without numbers and clean times. Racetime 2 send only TOD.
All timing has to be provided in MSport PRO.
If you use other program in racetime2 for example. Alpin ski. Is OFFLINE version.
You time what you need and after you download all datas at once at the end of timing.
Then you have to do :
Racetime 2 setting data download to timing MSport PRO
Singel start/ Alpinski/menu 3 – A send stored data/choose run/choose bibs/press F2 evt times.