We looked at a video detailing this equipment
http://www.flyball.org/video/lmp4lo.mp4It looks like the Signature Systems (FARM TEK) group has gone to a lot of trouble to custom make a system for this sport.
What problems are you aware of that a company with vast experience with wireless such as Microgate could improve upon?
The Light Radio Kit
http://www.sportstiminginterna..._training_light.htmlcould provide the back bone of a system coupled with the countdown light MicroSem
http://www.microgate.it/ENG/ti...t/start_microsem.aspThe major question is cost. Microgate makes professional grade products that are tested and approved by international federations. The added quality and measurable performance cost more.
For example FARM TEK products are not homologated for use in international equestrian events while Microgate products are.