The S4 can be used for FIS/USSA races without a PC in the same mode as you would use with the PC. 18 channel timer with time of day entered. The only difference is the position of the toggle switch. Place it on "C" after the time of day sync. YOU must have a printer connected and you can only run one racer at a time on the course. You can reset the "net time" for each racer by pressing red/yellow together and 0:00:00 will appear. You cannot connect an ALGE display to display the net times unless the eprom is changed to 4800 baud.
PAGE 33 of the manual
Press toggle up to "line test"
Turn on timer
Rotate around to Pro 3 with yellow button (skip if it comes up to Pr 3)
Press Red/Yellow together to confirm
Press Red/Yellow together at CLR JA to flush memory
Press yellow then red so that HP 0:00:00 appears
Input hours with Red , minutes with Yellow
Press toggle switch down to "delay" or start with impulse to Ch 0 banana plug
Time of Day is shown on "A" and "B", net times on "C"
Leave toggle on "C"
Press REd/yellow together to clear "net time"
Plug in a P4 or Seiko printer
Take a start impulse. Note that the printer will print the "time of day" and directly below the 0:00:00 for a net start.
Take a finish impulse. Note that the K1 for the photocell channel "A" is printed and directly below is the net time.
The LCD screen on the timer will only freeze for a brief moment until you increase it. Press the toggle down to "delay" Keep pressing it down until SLP appears. Increase SLP to 8 or 9 by pressing the red button. Press red/yellow to save and return to timing.
NOTE!!!! The times printed on the tape are to 1000ths. They must be truncated to 100ths. The only true LEGAL times are the "time of day" splits. If there is a question or tie, you must subtract the "time of day" start and finish times at 1000ths and subtract to 100ths. Make sure you write the bib numbers on the tape so the
chief of T&C has a reference.
Try to use this method as a last resort if your software or PC dies. It is nice to know that the S4 can get you out of a bind though.
Originally posted 29 Dec 2000 by Fred Patton