Set up: PR1a and RLS1a with din cables to TDC8001 and Timy.
Weather: Sunny, minus 18 celsius.
Issue: Day one went really good with 100 competitors in two runs. The second day went with no problems until the second run when we got problems with false impulses. In the start we got a second impulse just after the finish for about the ten first racers. Sometimes on system A, sometimes on system B, sometimes on both. The false impulse came 0,3-1,5 seconds after the first impulse. We also had false impulses with racers in the middle of the course, and this problem increased during the 2. run. The timing guys were of course checking the cells and the indicators, but they looked ok.
My first thought was that snow from the racers blow up in the beam, but this makes no sense when considering the other random impulses.
So is it possible that the cells has been damaged by the sun? Or is this a symptom of crossing beams? I think the cells might be mounted a little close, but I was not involved with the timing this day.
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