Here's what the club has:
- TAG CP520
- Vista laptop, 1 serial port
I'm more of an ALGE guy, and have been using Fiddleware for my intramural league, with the D-Line display fed off of the TIMY. The only computer connection is between the TIMY and the serial port.
Obviously this isn't a possibility with the CP520/GAZ4 combo, so I'm looking for a software package that can drive the GAZ4 (USB port) as well as communicate with the CP520 (serial port) in the Vista environment. I don't think Fiddleware supports USB/Serial converters, and I'm not sure if it will work under Vista.
I've built the cable for the GAZ4, and it tested good with the USB/Serial converter and the regular serial port using the GAZTest program. That part is squared away at least.
Anyone know of an easy to use program that supports both ALGE and Tag Heuer products and will work in a Vista environment? They'd rather not do an annual license thing if at all possible. They're cheap most of the time, then they go out and buy timing gear without asking for options. They had only heard of Tag, so that's what they bought. They already had the GAZ4, and thought it would be compatible.
I built them a Windows 98SE machne a few years back, so if nothing else is available I can always install another serial port and get them on Fiddleware (which would probably work well). They'll probably whine about not being able to use the fancy laptop, but I might be able to convince them there isn't any other way to do it.
I don't think they would be willing to buy an ALGE timer, although that's my suggestion. Sure is cheaper than a Tag Display.