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Does anyone know how to obtain a manual for the ALGE GA 82 display? It is not listed on the download page at ALGE homepage. Furthermore our display is working perfectly together with an S3 clock and with ALGE GAZ test program, but remains blank when connected to a computer running timing software. We are using the Swedish Ski Federation software (SSF Timing) and it works with ALGE GAZ 4 displays.
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The older GA 82 displays need a more detailed serial string than the GAZ series. Split Second Timing recently redid their software to accommodate these older (20 plus year!) displays. Your software designer will need to spend more time addressing this issue. The GA 82 displays use the same addressing concept as the GAZ. The toggle switch on the bottom controls the selection between min sec 10 100ths which is both toggles to the left, hrs min sec which is both toggles spread, and bib rank which is both toggles to the right. The rotary dial controls address. 0 is the default. The power must be applied first, then signal or the digits will flash and the display gets confused.
After consulting ALGE in Austria and a thorough check in manuals, together a bit of computer fiddeling I have found the problem. Older ALGE GA82 displays simly have another data format, using the same string as S3 timers. Newer timers use 8 databits, no parity, 1 stopbit, older systems use 7 databits, no parity, 2 stopbits. Works with a bit of reprogramming, hope this information can be useful to others.

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