Split Second TimingThis is the current explanation of how to create custom reports. It's directly out of the software, but I thought you might want to read about it here.
I think this the ability to design your own reports is REALLY COOL. It will take some practice and trial-and-error to get the hang of it, but taking the time will be well worth it...
Custom Reports allow you to design your own report layout. In other words, everything about the report can be
designed by you, what is included in the report, and how it will look.
Custom Reports are stored on your computer as a file, with the number of reports only limited by your imagination.
You give the report a name at the top of the screen and the file is saved under that name. As you design a report
you can use the 'Create report Preview' button to verify the report is defined correctly and see what it will look like.
You may also print the report directly from this Edit screen.
Note that Custom Reports may be used on the entire list of competitors, or a 'Block' of competitors as with any
other report.
Once the report is created it can be used without needing to enter the Edit screen again. If you want to create a
new report based on an existing report, simply open the existing report for Editing, change the name at the top of
the screen and press 'Save'.
The basic layout of this screen should be self explanatory, especially if you look at the example reports. Look
carefully at the options on each tab, it defines what information is used in various parts of the report. The format
used to generate the report data needs some detailed explanation:
Each line of the report pulls data based on the definitions placed in that line. It's a type of simple programming
you decide what text and what data will appear and how it appears.
Text is something you type that will always be exactly what you type. Text is always put in single quotes, for
'Hello World'.
Data is something that may change. Data descriptions are not put in quotes but must be one of the items from the
list on the right of the Edit screen. Some of these items are explained in more detail below. When the report is built
the appropriate data will be placed instead of the data description. For example, if you enter the data description
on the line for a competitor, for every competitor listed in the report, the person's bib number would be listed.
Obviously, you'll usually want more than one piece of text or item of data on a line. Text and Data is always joined
with a + sign. For example:
'Class : ' + Class
Note that spaces are allowed other than the quoted text and data descriptions. These spaces are ignored. A
inside a quote has meaning of course, so ' Hello' is different than 'Hello'.
A report is readable because things line up. Without some type of formatting everything to the right of a person's
name would be messed up simply because names contain different numbers of characters.
Formatting is done using square brackets as follows:
[stuff to be formatted,alignment,length]
The stuff to be formatted can be Text, Data or any combination joined with a +
The alignment must be one of:
L for Left, so the text would be on the left
R for Right
C for Centered
Length is how many character positions will be used for that data. If the number is too small, data will be cut off. For
example ['Hello World',L,4] would result in Hell.
For example: [Result1,R,10] would result in something like:
Typically, numbers and times are right aligned, and Text, such as names and hometowns, are left aligned.
Combining Text and Data with the right Formatting can be difficult but will make more sense with practice. The key
is to think about what you're trying to achieve, try it, hit 'Create Report Preview', see the
effect and make another change if needed. Here's a couple examples that may help:
This would be a header line:
['',L,10]+[Header1+ ' ' + RaceDate,C,60]+['Page '+PageNumber,R,10]
This was a report where each line was going to be no wider than 80 characters (above done at 10 then 60 then
10). The goal was to get the header and date centered together on the page with the page number on the right
hand side. To simplify the math it was done with an empty section of text Left aligned in a field of ten characters
because the page number (the text 'Page ' + the data field PageNumber) was 10 characters Right aligned. So, the
Header combination just needed to be centered in a field of 60 characters.
Which would result in this:
Sample Race by Split Second Timing 12/6/07 Page 1
Next is a competitor line (all on line, split here because of the page width)
[Rank1Class,L,3]+[Bib,R,4]+' '+[FullName,L,20]+[CityState,L,25]+[Result1Seconds,R,8]
This is a simple matter of using the appropriate fields, alignment and spacing to make the report look good:
1 30 Stacy Cimino Cape Elizabeth, ME 59:31
2 40 Claire Depke Cape Elizabeth, ME 1:02:38 3:06
3 34 Erin Cooke Cape Elizabeth, ME 1:14:49 15:18
4 59 Jeraldine Herrera Brunswick, ME 1:30:17 30:46
5 28 Laura Charland Biddeford, ME 1:39:19 39:48
This is an explanation of some of the Data descriptions available (the ones that may need an explanation). The full
list is available on the right of the Edit
screen. Note that the list may expand as new software versions add more functionality.
FullName - based on the selection in the header 'First Last' or 'Last First'
CityState - Combination as City, State (if both city and state exist)
Result1 - Result of 1st run: DNS, DNF, DSQ or time as mm:ss.hh, if one hour or more as hh:mm:ss
Rank1 - Rank of 1st run: based on settings in header, Overall or by Class based on settings in the header
(Rank1) - Same as Rank1 but in brackets, such as (23)
Rank1Text - such as 23rd
Rank1Class - Rank of first run by Class
Rank1Overall - Rank of 1st run including everyone
Result1Seconds - Always hh:mm:ss, useful when times might be below or above an hour so format doesn't switch
TimeBack1Class - Time back from class leader, blank if it is the leader
TimeBack1Overall - Time back from fastest person in race
If the '1' is replaced with a '2', it's the 2nd run, and if it replaced with 'Total' it's either the Combined or Best based
on the settings in the header.
This is a Data Description method to get any time from either the first or 2nd run to any precision needed. It uses
the format:
w is the run, either '1' or '2'
x is the 'from', which can be 'S' for start, '1'..'9' for Intermediate 1 through 9 or 'A' for Intermediate 10
y is the 'to', which can be 'F' for finish, '1'..'9' for Intermediate 1 through 9 or 'A' for Intermediate 10
z is the precision, done as number of digits after the period, '0' is whole seconds, '1'=x.x, '2'=x.xx, '3'=x.xxx
For example:
Time1S10 would give the 1st run elapsed time from the Start to Intermediate 1, and truncate it to the whole
Time1241 would give the 1st run time from Intermediate 2 to Intermediate 4 to a tenth. This might be bike time in a
triathlon including the transition time!
Placewxyz - Generic Rank
(Placewxyz) - Generic Rank in brackets
- Ranks are based on Overall or by Class based on settings in the header.
- If a Time is 0 (or less) it will be blank.
- If a rank is not possible it will be blank.
- When associating a rank with a time use the same settings for precision ('z') so that a tie to that precision will be
calculated as a tie.
Have Fun!!!
Split Second Timing