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Hi this is bob l. from wildcat and i was timing a race at black mtn nh. using a timy we are leasing i was in stop watch program. i set it up to auto advance the finish and start. during the race a least 4 times i had the corrct finisher going thru and when it went to the next racer it went back to 1. what should i be looking for or should this be doing this. i hand punched the correct finish # each time and it took it but if i was not whatching i would have missed it.
Original Post
The first thing is the settings for advancing of the bib numbers. This setting should be


This is telling the clock to look for the next bib that it thinks should finish. This usually works but sometime goes funny after a DNF. Say bib 4 is a DNF and you put 5 in the finish queue. 5 finishes but the TIMY still thinks 4 should come in and will switch back to it after 5. There are two things you can do to keep the finishes tracking better. First use the red OK and green OK buttons for your DNF and DNS racers. Hitting the OK button (red or green) will advance to the next in the list (finish or start) and will track better than if you punch the next number in. The other thing you can do is set the maximum time and this will further prevent DNFs from coming back in. You should still continue to check the start and finish queue if you want to run in Stopwatch and be sure to wait till you close out of timing before making corrections to the timy. Corrections can cause false starts or finishes.

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