Well I went round and round with ALGE re their claim of GPS syncing and through several emails I discovered the following. You need a GPS that has a sync line output and from my limited research I have not found any consumer gps that has this feature. ALGE ia using and OEM GPS sensor that has features not regularily needed by the normal GPS user. Even Garmin does not have many OEM sensors that have thisa feature.
If you were to buy this Garmin sensor you can't even use it with Garmin software but regular GPS software. I am considering it to work with a Palm Tungsten C and if I can get it to work with Tom Tom navigator or Mapsource I might consider this sensor and also apply it to the Timy sync.
BTW I have also heard a Rumour that Timy software might become free in the fall. I'd love to have all the capabilities of the timy available to me since I do so little timing and so much playing. The text below is the replies I got from ALGE re GPS SYNC and even though a very useful feature I don't think is it as easy to utilize as I had hoped.
BTW GPS city in Nevada sells this sensor for around $175 USD
I have forgotten that you need another line:
The gps-device has a line: 1 impulse per second. You have to connect this line to the pin 2 (= channel 0 )of the 25 dsub.
1.) you can work with 2400, 4800 or 9600 Baud, that's not the problem.
2.) But you have to go sure, that the gps-device sends the correct data-string.
In order to do that, you have to configure the gps-device first, with a pc.
Then the gps-device should send each second the data-string.
E.g. my gps-device (Garmin GPS-35) stores its settings, and these settings remains even after powering off and on again.
3.) Garmin GPS-35: procedure to configure and protocol (NMEA 0183 Version 2.0 ) :
procedure to configure:
a.) build up a correct rs323 communication
b.) set the correct baudrate of your terminal program at your pc
(now you can send an receive datas form the gps-device)
c.) command: "$PGRMO,,2<cr><lf>" The double quotes are not part of the command, they are just the beginning and the end of the command
<cr> is only one character: carriage return <cr>
<lf> is only one character: line feed.
Each command has to be finished with <cr><lf>
d.) command: "$PGRMO,GPRMC,1<cr><lf>"
e.) command: "$PGRMC,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,<cr><lf>" 12 times a comma and 2 times a comma
f.) command: "$PGRMC,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,<rc><lf>" 10 times a comma and 4 times a comma. This command sets the baudrate to 9600 Baud
If you want to have 4800 baud, write a "3" instead of the "4".
g.) power off and on the gps-device.(Now the settings are stored in the gps-device)
we use the device from Garmin: "GPS 35-HVS",
http://www.garmin.com/products/gps35/http://www.garmin.com/products/gps35/spec.html On the lower page, you will find, that it has PPS/ PUlse per second) output, that's provides for an exactly time sync.