We received the manual and the cable on Friday. Thank you very much.
Now that we have had a chance to review the manual we are even more frustrated than before!
We will be timing a Mass Start (everybody at the same start time) with approx. 600 people. It is a pointoto-point event so only a finish time is required for each
On the back of the 4000 we have the following plugged in:
- a foot pedal plugged into the left Lightbeam port. Note the illustration in the manual you sent shows "Ext Supply" and "Lighbeam" position on the back of box
reversed from our machine.
- a hand "popper" plugged into the banana "start" ports.
- we have not plugged in the Display Clock yet as we have to go buy a car battery!
What we have figured out so far for what we want to do:
Version 88.2
Precision = 1/10 = 2 Extended Split = 5 Start in Groups? = No Difference Timing = 1 Input time of Day = all zeros followed by "." key Time of Day shows =
00:00:00.00.0 (we chose zero as the time because we want the clock to show elapsed time) Start Clock at Syncron Time! = we press the "popper" Ready for
We see the clock running in the grey display area
To record a finish bib number we type in the number followed by the ".", then hit the foot pedal. We get a printout like below:
452 ST ??:??:??.??.?
FT 00:06:33.41.9
Do we need to worry about the question marks listed for start time?
Time Display:
After we enter a bib with a time, as above, the clock does not switch back to to running time. We discovered that if we press "0", "." the display switches back to
elapsed time. Is this normal or are we experiencing a problem, or are we completely @#$@#@ up!?
We have not proceeded to the hookup of the Laptop to the 4000 yet. One thing at a time!
We hope that you are working this weekend to help us out.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Natalie & Mike
Originally posted 24 Mar 2002 by Mike wow@wowmtb.com
Original Post