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TT*ware 4.03 used with Daktronic Scoreboard

Joe Tirko, Terry Shaffer and myself timed and produced results for the US Open of Mountain Biking at Diablo Freeride Park at Mountain Creek in NJ. This event has grown over the past four years. They had a $20,000 cash purse and tons of prizes for amateurs this year,so it completely understood that the event sold out. 500 slots filled. We ran 500 starts at 30 second intervals with three 5 minute breaks between classes. Tirk was taost when the qualifying was through!! We rented a Daktronics Scoreboard from the guys at Ryegate Shwo services to help Shanw Orrechio from DFP impress the pros and amatuer riders. He is set on making this the premier DH MTB event in the country. We picked up the board and realized the board did not have the approriate Skunk Sequence to operate the board with TT*ware. A greta big Thanks to James Broder for getting us set up. It was nearly Midnight in NJ when we got the sequence and got TT*ware commuting with the board. I owe you Skunk! I have posted a few images to show you the board showing data from TT*ware.

Bob Duppstadt


Images (1)
  • board__up_close
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