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Synchronizing Timers with WTN

Our club has recently up upgraded to a Timy3 / PR1aW to do wireless timing for non-USSA races, and I stumbled upon an unexpected issue with which I'm hoping someone can help.

How do you sync the timers? I've always done this by powering-down, pressing OK at the BACKUP program selection, etc. The problem is, that breaks the WTN connection since the WTN controller (the Timy3) must be the first thing powered-on. So, at a recent race, I had to sync the timers, then go outside and turn the finish eye off and then back on.

What am I missing? Is there a way to tell the Timy3 to sync without cycling power? I've checked the manual and looked through the menus, but I can find no other way.

Thanks for the help.
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