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Homologated Timers

This just out from Ted Savage, word from the FIS and equipment manufacturers.

Timers that were originally homologated by FIS in 1997 (when the FIS Timing Rules came into effect) are all being reviewed. Technical standards for timing systems and their testing have evolved and the FIS has decided to review and retest (if submitted) all homologated timers certified in 1997 to these new criteria.
This requirement will be effective for the 2011-12 season and ONLY AFFECTS .97 (1997) devices.
National Associations of FIS are advising all members to be aware of this change and to pay attention to the details. (Please see the Attached announcement from CANADA).
Any timer that has a xxxx.97 identifier in the FIS homologation number assigned to it will expire after 2010-11 and may be submitted for re-certification by the manufacturer. Only THE MANUFACTURER need submit the timer (one of them) for testing.
ALGE and TAG Heuer plan to resubmit some BUT NOT ALL of these devices for certification. Many are decades out of production and will simply not be renewed.
To Remain VALID (planned re-test in 2010-11)
ALGE - Timer S4
ALGE - TdC 8000 / 8001
TAG Heuer - PTB 605/606 (to be confirmed)
Will NOT be Valid after 2010-11 (no re-test scheduled)
ALGE - TdC 4000
ALGE - Timer S3
ALGE - Comet
TAG Heuer - CP 501
TAG Heuer - CP 502
TAG Heuer - CP 503
TAG Heuer - CP 505
Many timers from Seiko, Omega, Longines, and Microgate will also NOT BE VALID FOR USE after the 2010-11 season. For complete details one should check with the manufacturer or agent directly in these cases.
Monitor the website for the most recent valid equipment lists as they become available after this re-certification process is completed in 2011. This re-test impacts timers from the 1997 FIS homologation process only. All other remain valid (anything from 1999 onwards)
President, Precision Timing
ALGE & TAG Heuer agent for Canada
FIS Timing Working Group, member
+1 (514) 933.0895 Office Montreal
+1 (718) 619 8130 Office New York
+1 (514) 606 8463 Mobile
"tedsavage" on Skype
Original Post