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Execute manual sync through an NTP Software?

Hi all,

I have a thought / idea where google was no helpful and am looking for help.

I have the following situation that I need to synchronize 3 Tag Heuer CP545 and 1 Fotofinish camera to the same time of day. Today I use set the date and time to next minute on all four devices and look at an NTP time and manually press the push button to execute the time syncronization via the impulse.

What I would much rather like to do is to have an app which
a) connects to an NTP Server to sync the time
b) connect to an USB Adapter (with 2 Banana connectors at the other end) to execute a "Top of the minute" impulse once the next minute is reached.

I understand this is not super exact, but good enough for us, as all four devices keep the times individually after they were sychronized.

Do you have knowledge of any app / adapter available to perform this task?


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