I downloaded Split Second. I have never used it before. Unfortunately, I cannot get it work: it does not seem to recognize either the timer (ALGE TIMY3) or the display board. At this point I am not even using wireless, I simply connect the laptop to the TIMY3 and to the display board with cables. To be clear, I tried to follow those steps that appear on the "Setup and Test Timing" page under "Timy3 Quickstart Guide". If I understood it properly, it guided me through installing a device driver for the TIMY3. (I just hope that installation did not mess up something that will prevent me to use the TIMY3 with the VOLA software properly, something which was working before.) However, even after these steps, Split Second just does not communicate with the TIMY (nor with the display board). I realize the question was whether the radio modems work with Split Second - but I cannot answer that before I get Split Second to work, which does not appear to be the case.