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ALGE D-LINE with XBEE RF modem

I am trying to display the results generated by our timing system (Vola SkiAlp-Pro + TIMY3 device) on an ALGE D-LINE Display Board.  When I connect the display board to the computer with an RS232 banana plug cable, everything works.  However, I cannot get this to work wirelessly.  The wireless system I have consists of two DIGI XBEE RF modems (900 HP RS 232).  One transmitter, one receiver.  The transmitter is hooked up to the computer, the receiver is connected to the display board.  When I test the modems with a software called X-CTU (this is the software recommended by DIGI, the modem's manufacturer), the modems seem to communicate.  That is, I am able to generate test data by using this X-CTU app, and send it to the receiver modem.  But when I try to test the Display Board in SkiAlp-Pro (which is supposed to send data to the Display Board via those modems, nothing happens.  The signal does not  get through the path (Computer -> Transmitter XBEE Modem -> Receiver XBEE Modem -> Display Board), although I am not sure where I have the problem.  What am I doing wrong?

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