Let me just ad my 2 cents here...
We are using finishlynx now for about a year at the indoor T&F facility at Frankfurt-Kalbach.
We do use on laptop for capturing and another one for reading and judging the races.
The data is stored at a shared folder on the cature-laptop.
We do have an additional computer (called Timing Client), which provides connection between our meeting-software (
Seltec Track and Field ) and the lynx software.
We do have both systems on independent networks ( for the lynx stuff and for the Seltec stuff) so the Timing Client has to be equiped with 2 NICs.
So if something goes one in the meeting-network, timing will still work.
@Field events:
You say, you are saving the race right at the start, so the reading computer will have instant access to the race after some runners were comming into the finish.
Do you need to save the race again after the race is finished?